Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Booming in Borlänge by H.W.

Our visit to Borläge begins with introductions to our new host "parents". Ther'es a little confusion as to who I'm staying with... one of the families think I am with them and when we arrive a change is needed... I handle with humor and promise there is enough of me to go around! I am taken to my new home where I meet Sonja and Göran Edgren. They are a lovely couple and I instantly feel at home with them and their two babies (Lafayette and Emilie). Gorän owns eX-Change Parts AB (http://www.ex-changeparts.com/). His company buys and sells helicopters and parts around the world. Unfortunately I don't get to take a ride in one of the copters but I do get a chance to tour his hanger at the airport and take some cool pics!
The first night, we meet back up as a group at the Dalsjö golf club where we have dinner and after get the chance to hit a few balls.

Wally wastes no time heading down to the driving range. Our team hasn't seen him this excited since the trip began!

Our first day finds us at Borlänge Musikskola (music school), off to rotary lunch and presentation and then we continue our musical journey through Bolänge with a visit to Boom town ( http://www.boomtown.nu/) where project manger and founder, Kaj Podgorski takes time to share the musical vision he has brought to life and takes us on a tour of the state of the art recording facilities. Our afternoon continues with Fika at the Peace and Love cafe (http://www.peaceandlove.nu/). "Peace and Love" is not only the name of their adorable little cafe but the name of Scandanavias largest music festival.

We are very impressed with the artistic culture of Boläange and I'm excited for my vocational experiences to begin. On Tuesday I visit Borlänge Hälsan (Borlänge Health). I meet with Anna-Liisa Bergkvist and Birgitta Brattöf and they show me around the facility and introduce me to the doctors, nurses and physical therapists they have working at the facility. You see, just as in the states, each company is required by law to offer minimum medical controls in working life. Most companies in Sweden chose to hire the private helath services from such companies as Börlange Hälsan. There are many private health service providers competing for business and what they all offer are health services for employees based on what a company is willing to provide. If an employee is sick, instead of going to a provider list to see what Dr. is covered, they will be directed to their designated health provider. There they can make a basci visit to the Dr, seek physical or mental therapy or at this particulaar lcoation, utilize the small gym they have available. Birgitte explains one of the benifits of such high taxes is that health care is very cheap (about $14 per visit) if there is a charge at all. After an employee pays $1,000 out of pocket, the rest of the year is then free. Interesting fact that in Sweden, dental care is covered for youth and the elderly but not adults and eye care is not covered at all so people have to pay out of pocket for everything at any age. Healthcare has been a popular topic of conversation both at my vocational visits and as we have personal conversations. The Swedes seem happy ot have the level of benifits provided to them but concerns with the time for care in the cases where a specialty Dr. is needed. It can takes several weeks at times to get in to see a specialist, not something in any culture that ther eis time for if there is a pressing medical issue. They can buy additional insurance here but of course it is quite expensive and a bit controversial as with the Sedish culture, everyone is expected to receive the same benifits and services.
After my very thorough tour and discussion with Börlange Hälsan, I am off to the youth center where the community of Börlange have provided some amazing opportunited for youth, again center around the arts. I meet with Esa Ahonen who runs Rockhuset (The Rockhouse) a part of Cozmoz (www.cozmoz.nu). This is a youth house owned by Börlange county, created along with Cozmoz back in 1991, specifically for those Youth from Börlange that want to practice music, rehears with their bands and perform for a live audience. Cozmoz also offers activities for youth where they can work at the Cozmoz cafe, in the park services and other engaging activities to help youth find direction in life. Talk about engaging youth in positive ways!
I have been waiting 3 weeks for my next visit... the YMCA! Here the YMCA is called KFUK-KFUM, a collaboration between the YWCA and YMCA. I meet Bosse Nyman, the executive director. We sit and chat and he explains their main role in the community is that of a skateboard/climbing facility and sports classes for youth.
There is not much time to stay with at the Y as our last visit for the day is at Friskes and Svettes where Sarah and Jess's host dad is an instructor. We all suit up (you'll notice Wally didn't join us... hmmm) and we particpated in what they call middle aerobics. I don't know if we burned more calories particpating in the class or laughing at Mike doing all of the moves but it was great fun!

We found the warmth and friendliness of all we met in Böranlge quite touching and as with all those we have encoutnered on this trip, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts foor more amazing experiences and memories we will have for a lifetime.

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