Wednesday, April 28, 2010

City Living in Gävle - Blog by Jessica Blake and pics by Heather Williams

Hey Everyone!!
Well, it's been 4 days since we have been in Gävle and lots has been happening!!! Heather, Mike and I had a wonderful dinner at Mike's host family with great conversation and wonderful wine!! Heather and I were staying with a different host family and they were ready to take us but we had been offered dessert...and as Heather says "we always have time for dessert!!" We are sure glad we did because Jenny prepared a wonderful dessert which was a sort of chocolate cake...unlike ANY I have ever tasted!! The BEST!! We decided we need that recipe and I will try to make it just as good as Jenny did! Thanks Jenny!!

Then Heather and I headed to our host family Karin, who is a local Pastor as we would call it in the states. Since her place can not accommodate us both, Heather and I are a couple buildings over in the complex where she we are living in our own apartment! So we have been living there and traveling around the city square often. Lots to see!

My training sites have been rather interesting this week!! I have met with people who all work for social service agencies within Gävle. I have been getting much information about their mental health system and services they offer and let me tell you...I feel ashamed as to what we have compared to here in Sweden. Quite the difference!! I have toured clinics that would be similar to "drop in centers" or community centers, group homes and shelters but they have much more to offer and on a MUCH bigger scale that what we have in Milwaukee area and Wisconsin for that matter. The amount of activities, resources and qualities of these resources and conditions is unbelievable! Like nothing I have ever seen. In my opinion, miles ahead of what we have in the states. I have decided that I want to implement one of these clinics back coworkers..are you in?!!! :) I took pictures of these centers so I will have lots to show you and talk about. I must say...they take care of their individuals who suffer from abuse and mental illness wonderfully!! So tomorrow, I will go to a center for immigrants who have been traumatized and also a teen group home or outpatient service as they would call it because the teens don't live there. I have been overwhelmed with lots of knowledge here and continue to try to keep up with it all. So learning alot!!

Tonight we are off to a concert with everyone and our host families! Off to dinner....
Take care everyone!!
JESS..(Honorary member of the Sweden Beer Academy)

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